Youtube censorship – Racism

I was on a discussion board related to my last post on YouTube. Inevitably some MAGA bigot said that the refugee’s who drowned in the Mediterranean were a swarm/invasion. I pointed out that no, under the refugee convention refugees are entitled to cross international borders in order to protect themselves from war, strife or persecution. That states are obliged to provide safe and legal routes. And if they don’t and the legal refugee’s get mixed in with economic migrants, that’s hardly their fault. And there are established protocols to determine who is a refugee and who is not….and Youtube censored my comments.

To be clear this wasn’t a one off. I tried rephrasing what I said. I cut it down into smaller chunks. I did everything until I hit on a strategy of pumping in words in sections, until I realised it was specifically censoring two words – refugee and convention.

How is this now blatant fascism? And its not the first time this has happened. I was also once dealing with a holocaust denier (he was literally denying that the gas chambers ever existed) and repeatedly my comments refuting him were censored.

Its quite clear to me that some within Alphabet, Google and Youtube’s parent company are clearly fascist. And let’s be clear. I’m not accusing them of being a little bit racist. No they are systematically attempting to control the narrative and clearly think the wrong side won World War 2.

About daryan12

Engineer, expertise: Energy, Sustainablity, Computer Aided Engineering, Renewables technology
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